Dear All,

We are excited to convey you about our successful completion of the first Nephrocriticalcare Review Course 2023.

The feedback from the participants have been overwhelming. The support from the faculties was unprecedented.

At the outset the content and delivery of the lectures were at the next level of excellence. We had an initial zoom assembly with multiple international and national faculties. We had in excess of 500 registrations and at any time a live audience of more than two hundred in the program. We convey our utmost gratitude to our learned faculties. It is the first time probably where we saw iconic figures in the field of nephrology shared their expertise with the most reputed intensivist of the country and abroad.

The enthusiasm of the faculties was so infectious that kept the audience bonded till late on both evenings.

We published our first “Nephrocriticalacre manual” which is the hands-on on guide for the review course. Faculties from all over the world contributed to this manual.

With things so exciting we plan to come up with significant future endeavourers. Our membership drive is in process now and will stay as “FREE” till end of May 2023.

We encourage all of you to spread the word and make it a new standard of collaboration between various subspecialities and intensive care medicine.